Assalamualaikum to readers :)
Wow! Dah nak dekat setahun tak update blog.. I'm so sorry my dear blog.. but now I'm back :) lately, trlampau byk benda nak d'fikirkan, trlmpau byk urusan yg nak d'uruskan.. so ~ I just finished my study in YFELC .. What is YFELC ? ohh yaa ! Yayasan Felda English Language Centre in Kelana Jaya. A month english camp have tought me a lot about english but maybe I'll still make mistakes.. But I've to practice in my daily life :D
So, in this entry i just want to share about my great and wonderful experience in YFELC ..
Our first day in YFELC after registration day, we had a simple orientation session. We had a simple game conducted by Mr.Greg and other lecturers. on that day, we met with lecturers and staff in YFELC. After playing some games, in the afternoon, we had a test to divided us into 3 group according to our level. Alhamdulillah, i got into Achiever class. I felt very happy because I've my bff, Sabrina with me :D we always together until the lecturers call us as twin.. hahaha .. but we happy together ..
So, I had 3 lecturers.. Miss Liza as my writing&reading teacher, Miss Lara as my listening&speaking teacher and Mr. Jon as my grammar teacher. They are very good ,sporting and understanding.. We had done a lot of activities together such as drama titled Hensel n Gretel, Chef of The Day, Chain Story, and many more.
In that class, only have 12 students including me.. there are only 2 boys named Rusman and Hadam and the other are girls. Aqila, Dila, Insyirah, Farhana, Kak Ain, Sabrina, Kak Piqa, Aina, Kak Aida and I.. so, we became very close to each other :) we cry and laugh together.. just like siblings.. and i love my classmates :D
On 30th June 2013, we went to Sunway Pyramid to play ice-skating. I was very excited b'cause i never try it before.. Sabrina seemed very happy to play ice-skating :) even thought we cannot move but we had friends that can help us.. haha :D but when i played it, my leg was cramp and I can't move.. so, Farhana take me out to have some rest..She helped me to change the size of my ice-skating shoes.. we get close to each other :D she is very kind-hearted. Unfortunately, Hadam fell while playing ice-skating and his knee was sprained. We arrived late at YFELC and the warden got angry with us.. but we felt very happy because we had our own memories.. hehehe :D
On 4th and 5th July 2013, we had our examination.. Alhamdulillah, we had done our best :) our lecturers helped us a lot to improve our english language. thank u so much :D now, our examination paper was sent to London and checked there. so, lets hope for the best and insyaAllah everyone will pass the exam and got the certificate from City&Guild ..
Right now, I miss my classmates, my dormmates and I miss my YFELC life :( It is a wonderful moment in my life.. I got a lot of new friends. and I met with a very kind teacher :D
I LOVE U ALL :) wassalam ~ see u next time.. here are some pictures :D
Hadam and Rusman (22 years old) ~tua da~ haha.. |
my classmates :) |
Judges on Chef of the day.. |
with Mr.Jon :) |
our drama day :) |
kak Sal n Saadah, roommates. |
me and sab :) |
my beloved roommates :) |
Mr. Greg . |
Miss Liza <3 td=""> |
my group :) |
ondwy to sunway pyramid :) |
me and Farhana :) |
Goodbye YFELC :)